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itamardag published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
Rrrrrr go on an adventure and find the treasure that will change your life! With the help of the Bermuda Triangle map (not implemented yet) you will choose the next island in the journey and the crew member who will embark to explore the is...
A browser game made in HTML5.
Updated page content. Set type to HTML5.
A browser game made in HTML5.

I am not connected to this game in any way (Wink wink)

mazeJLM published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Welcome to our Maze! In this maze you have to find the golden graffiti spray to win. Beware the traps along the way. In your arsenal is your trusted graffiti spray to mark walls, and you can teleport randomly around the maze. Controls: WASD...