the world building is great and i love the title which is just literal af. Ghosts haunting upwards lol gives a great idea to the players how it works right there in the name. Oh and great work on the brochure. Ill probably forget i read it in a game amd start looking for the Isla to visit in about 3 weeks.
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Darkness Ascendant's pageComments
Brilliant idea for the layout, a freaking BROCHURE! Seriously, genius. Easy to understand and a whole ass map! I also love The Fog.
Eidolon's DoorHAHA, I love that "Everything is fine" vibe. "There is no war in Ba Sing se" moment. I am always a fan of Psychological horror stuff. I really like the well defined setting with map and locations you can be in. Makes it super inmersive and as a well defined world you can live in (and never leave)
Realms of TerrorI love the layout, I love the lore, I love how fleshed out the setting is, and I love anything inspired by John Carpenter. I want to straight up just explore this little island. I feel like this would make a super entertaining game!
The Haunting Of Duncan Hill
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