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Would Humble Bundle content be allowed? What about intentionally leaving voiceover out?

A topic by GVFScarlet created Aug 02, 2023 Views: 148 Replies: 2
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Hi, to preface I have no jam experience ever, but I thought this one was cool and this is the first time I heard of it (learned about the event through JAST fans). Technically it's two questions:

1. I bought some bundles on Humble Bundle frequently which included a lot of sfx/music and art that I can use in a potential VN. However, these bundles aren't always offered so they aren't always available to get. Where does this fall in the guidelines?

2. If I choose to opt out of doing voice acting, I obviously won't qualify for its respective award. But is that generally allowed, to just not do one aspect of the game? It will affect the overall scoring of the VN too right?

Thank you for hosting this event!


I believe most Humble Bundle products are available outside of their bundle windows but at a higher price elsewhere, so most Humble Bundle offerings should be fine.  I wouldn't be concerned about it.

There are no truly required aspects for visual novels, as odd as that sounds.  We've had accepted entries before that do not even have text and instead use emoji exclusively to convey a story.  Voice acting is something we are actively encouraging developers to pursue, but it is not required.  Many previous years winners did not have voice acting in their submissions at all.

Let me know if you have any more questions!


Thank you!