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W.H. Arthur updated a game 18 days ago
A downloadable game.
Added a demo.
W.H. Arthur updated a game 42 days ago
A downloadable game.
1 new upload:
CONVICT-ION text only.epub 170 kB
pinpanar9 rated a game 57 days ago
A downloadable game.


A downloadable game.
1 new upload: 16 MB
kalidels updated a game 63 days ago
A downloadable game.
Updated minimum price to $5.00.
A downloadable game.
A downloadable game.

From the first look at 'Shadow/Giant' you know what kind of aesthetic the game is working towards and the overall tone of it. I really enjoyed how immersive the world building is not just in the creation of the characters or possible scenarios but also through the thoughtful page layout and design. Something that I really liked about it is how the creator uses the Badger+ Coyote system (with modifications) and how well they explained it's mechanics.
'Shadow/Giant' is very reasonably priced, if you like duet style games that feature a post apocalyptic setting with lone wolf & cub feel, this might (probably) be fun for you.

A downloadable game.
aprilmarch published a adventure 95 days ago
A downloadable adventure.
They brought you down. They humiliated you. They took everything from you, then laughed. They didn’t kill you only because they knew you’d hurt more alive. They have the devil on their side. Now, you do too. I'd Pay the Devil Twice as M...
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