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Writer Looking For Team

A topic by Amara E created Jan 29, 2024 Views: 176 Replies: 6
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Hello! I am a writer seeking to offer my assistance during the jam. Whether you need a story concept, flavour text, dialogue or anything in between, let me know!

I am thinking of my "monster" in my game to talk, mind if you write some dialogue and give you  a summary about what its gonna do?

I'd definitely be interested in writing the dialogue. Discord is the best place to chat. My username is knightellis.

I sent a friend request on discord, my username is syntaxnerd

yo you wanna talk on discord? if u already have a team thats ok

Hey! I was in touch with syntaxnerd (convo above) to create a team, but we haven't finalized anything. I'm interested in chatting about your game idea. My discord username is knightellis.

ok, will get back to u as soon as possible.