You need to incorporate the Theme into your game in some way and before you submit it, you will need to write atleast 1 short sentence about how your game fits the Theme of the game jam. It's completely up to you how you interpret the theme. Feel free to be creative with it.
Theme: Sea Witch
Bonus Challenges: Unlike the Theme, these are entirely optional. Feel free to do one, two, all of them or ignore them completely.
For this game jam, the optional challenges are the following three:
1 - Water of Life and Death: The story is about some magical water that can prolong lifespan of the living and raise the dead as undead monstrosities.
2 - Pirate Ship: There's a pirate ship in the game.
3 - Renewing Tide: The protagonist has some some kind of water-themed skill/ability that does damage to enemies while healing the protagonist and their allies at the same time.