Very buggy game. You could escape from enemies by changing rooms a few times, even if it was just back and forth. I suspect you were supposed to be able to escape by running far enough.
During certain scenes, the text box wouldn't disappear after so you'd lose visual on part of the screen. The end game seemed to expect a text box given the positioning of name elements. Game seemed very inconsistent how text was shown.
The notes definitely made it very clear who you were pretty early on.
Might want to mess with your hitboxes a bit, the obstacles weren't very fun to deal with, especially when some items require to be extremely precise.
You could completely prevent a certain ending without an earlier save if you accidentally saved after a certain event.
The first riddle seems a bit off. There was no way to cancel most riddles/puzzles. The clock puzzle wasn't entirely clear at first what it expected, especially given the red herring there.
The book puzzle only uses one book and you later end up with 2 books again?
The light berry puzzle is incorrect. There are more berries that you can see at the top of the screen.
Not sure where exactly the clue for the sleeping puzzle was supposed to be, but for that puzzle and one other puzzle, you can keep trying until you get the right answer (you will die after though).
The fire and blocks puzzle didn't seem to have any real clues. One block is too close to the entrance given how precise you need to be.
Your character mentions seeing the code somewhere before, but as the player, you don't really see the relationship until after (assuming you even have the code at that point).
The enemy spawns made it really hard to really read things or do puzzles, though I was able to just transfer back and forth until they disappeared. Maybe give the player a bit more of a chance to read things, especially clues.
Really, fix the bugs, the hitboxes, and enemy spawns.
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