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dear_rei rated a game 2 hours ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

cant express how hard i fell in love with this game. 

K1n9S1LaS rated a game 3 hours ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Longfoot_Studio rated a folktale 8 hours ago
A browser folktale made in HTML5.

It was an awesome experience

A downloadable game for Windows.

This game was honestly kind of a masterpiece. Excellent characters and story of course, and with a really good combat (which was nice). However, the thing that really first drew me into the game was how the game was deliberately frustrating in a fascinating way. The start of the game is quite difficult, and in no small part that's just because you don't know how it works yet (I died a lot of times before I realized that resting after I got through the beginning part was, in fact, worth raising the rent). Even beyond that, there's also the little things. Every single way to save "costs" in some sense (even just sleeping, since it raises the rent), traveling around the city costs at least 1$ (and quite a bit more if you don't want to lose things randomly, so until you have more money, you probably can't afford to be using it constantly), and no matter what you do, there's always a chance that you'll just lose a piece of equipment. In my game, I lost the Strength Scarf that was literally my strongest piece of equipment to an overnight theft, and I was never able to find another one. However, as I got into it, I just learned to roll with it. Lost the scarf, so I used something else. Carried some extra gear just in case, got used to spending a bit, etc. It complements the story the game tells so well, so it was really a fantastic experience. 

Beyond that, the story was phenomenal (although I won't get into it too much since Spoilers), and the ending I got was very satisfying (for which one it is: I had to go through the full Tower to get it). I really liked all four party members, but I also liked all of the background characters (the ones who were intended to be likeable anyways, I can't say I liked Ramona's landlord, but that just made fighting him all the more satisfying). I made sure to use the Small Talk option several times (and to do so after getting more characters) just because there was interesting dialogue for the characters. 

The combat is also really fun. I ended up with three of the characters' Tarot card gear, which was extremely helpful (regen is really good in this game), but just the set of skills available to each character were interesting and fun to use. I didn't get all of the Spiritual Healing skills (except for Kyrie's), but the ones I did get were all useful and interesting (Dodge Roll is great). Tragically, I played the majority of the game with the sound off because of the times of day I had available to play it, but late game I ended up listening to some of the music, and it's fantastic (seriously, I was missing out). I need to replay it at some point just to listen to the music some more (plus to see some of the content I missed, like a certain arcade machine). 

Also, as much as the art for the game is described as not great (literally in the description of this game), it works with the tone of the game, and I actually liked it just fine. Also, Kyrie's walk cycle is great. No other comment on that necessary. 

I did not end up beating a certain bonus boss against the (non-canonical) "ruler" of Engel, although now that I've done everything else, I'll probably take another try. The problem for me wasn't even the boss's damage (which was honestly not that high, although I also had a lot of defense on all my characters other than Kyrie, who just dodged things that vast majority of the time), but the fact that I literally could not outdamage the boss's regen + the one draining skill. I'll have to give it another try now that I'm about as powerful as I can get without just grinding Model Employees for stat-up items (which I sort of did, but that was just because I was enjoying the fights while doing the things I needed to do to get into the final floor of the Tower). I did beat most of the bounties that I didn't accidentally lock myself out of (although I think I forgot one of the four Heavenly Rat Kings, so I should really do that too). Combat in the late game got pretty easy, but I did make a lot of use of stat-up items and had very good gear.

Pluto rated a yandere shenanigan 13 hours ago
A downloadable yandere shenanigan for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

My little snail~ 😈🤭

A downloadable yandere shenanigan for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
sincostan rated a game 21 hours ago
A downloadable game.
GaymerXD rated a game 1 day ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Absolute cinema. Like oh my god???? 

Everything in this game screams charm. The character design, the ENORMOUS number of CGs, the writing of every character, just amazing. This is a must-play for anyone who likes horror VNs, and follows the content warnings, of course. The ending had me sobbing all the way through.

shieldski rated a game 1 day ago
A browser game made in HTML5.


blueben54 rated a game 1 day ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.
adamswh0r3 rated a game 2 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
b_u_n_n_i_e rated a yandere shenanigan 2 days ago
A downloadable yandere shenanigan for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
GtonHL rated a game 2 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
jujugames rated a yandere shenanigan 2 days ago
A downloadable yandere shenanigan for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Spooky2043 rated a odd predicament 2 days ago
A downloadable odd predicament for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
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