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Composer looking for a team

A topic by keyresonance created Aug 29, 2023 Views: 92 Replies: 2
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Hello all! My name is Grayson and I am a composer of music with a fusion of organic and synthetic sounds. Here is an example of my most recent EP release, Fragments. This is on all streaming services, but here is the Spotify link:

I am currently in college majoring in popular music and technology with a focus on composition. I would enjoy working together with a team to create an immersive experience for the player. If my sound is something you may be interested in, I'd love to work on a project with you! :)

Contact: Instagram - grayson_varn Discord - yoogathan

Cheers - Grayson 


Now you don't have a lot of time, but you can also join Pink platformer jam #4.

Host (1 edit)

Or pink platformer jam #3