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j=15function _init()e=30i=100l=30k={f=64,i=128}a=0c={}d=.001w=64n={e=.1,f=64,i=128,o=0,r=0,t=0}u={}o={}s=64h=0m=0p=.001q={{n="웃",d=30,c=10,u=function()add(c,{f=64,i=128,o=.25,r=0,d=chr(137)})end},{n="♥",d=20,c=10,u=function()p+=.001end},{n="…",d=30,c=20,u=function()w=flr(w*.9)d+=.0002end},{n="☉",d=200,c=1,u=function()n.t=d 𝘤=true end},{n="win",d=999,c=1,u=function()j+=5print"⁷sfx5cgefgcgfefg"_init()end}}end function 𝘥()x=4+rnd(5)r={h={},o=rnd(1),r=.1+rnd(1),f=rnd(128),i=-rnd(128),s=x}for n=1,10do local e=x+rnd(x/2)-x/4add(r.h,{e=n*.1,a=e})end add(r.h,{e=r.h[1].e,a=r.h[1].a})add(o,r)end function _update60()a+=1if(#o<j)𝘥()
if(a%60==0and h-#c>0)s+=#c h-=#c
if(𝘤)if n.e<=0then n.t=d elseif n.e>=.5then n.t=-d end else n.t=0
end function _draw()cls()foreach(o,𝘦)fillp(15*16^flr(a/10%4))v=12if(l>0or i<=50)l-=1v=rnd(16)
f=q[m%#q+1]print("♥"..flr(i),0,90,15)print("░"..h)print("$"..s)print(f.n.."$"..f.d,10)if(btnp(❎)and f.d<s and f.c>0)s-=f.d f.u()f.c-=1print"⁷sfx5c1c2c3"
end function 𝘨(n)circfill(n.f,n.i,1,8)g(n)y(n,u)end function y(n,e)if(b(n,k)>200)del(e,n)
end function 𝘧(n)print(n.d,n.f,120,15)g(n)if(n.f<40or n.f>80)n.o=-n.o
end function 𝘦(n)for e in all(n.h)do 𝘩=n.f+e.a*cos(e.e)𝘪=n.i+e.a*sin(e.e)line(𝘩,𝘪,5)end line()g(n)y(n,o)if(b(n,k)<e)i-=5l=30del(o,n)print"⁷s8x5d3b3c3"
for e in all(u)do if(b(n,e)<n.s)h=min(h+5,11)del(o,n)del(u,e)
end end function g(n)n.f+=n.o n.i+=n.r end function b(n,e)z=e.f-n.f 𝘢=e.i-n.i 𝘣=atan2(z,𝘢)return z*cos(𝘣)+𝘢*sin(𝘣)end
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Very cool fusion of a few classics there
(with parallel resource management thrown in!)
You managed to squeezed a lot of cool stuff into 1K here.
Had a couple of play-through and had fun (albeit, only lasted few mins)
Nice one! 👍
Thanks for playing and organizing jam! Game is little bit hard at start.
That was fun! Took me a couple of tries to work out the strategy, it’s pretty hard at the start. Once you’ve got everything fully upgraded though it is very satisfying to just sit back and watch the guns obliterate everything!
Classic clicker game mechanic with added peril!
Thanks for playing and completing! Exactly idea I kept in mind -- clicker + shooter.
At first I wanna make something like space station with factories in Picotron, but too much space and gameplay need rethinking.