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function f(n)local c,t,a,l,r=unpack(n)local o,d=i[c],i[t]local n={o[1]-d[1],o[2]-d[2]}local f=sqrt(n[1]^2+n[2]^2)local e=(f-a)/f if(r==2and f>=a)return
local f=1-l i[c]={o[1]-n[1]*l*e,o[2]-n[2]*l*e}i[t]={d[1]+n[1]*f*e,d[2]+n[2]*f*e}end function c()for n=1,10do for n=1,#i do i[n]={mid(0,i[n][1],127),mid(0,i[n][2],127)}end for n in all(a)do f(n)end end end function n(n,o,d)line(i[n][1],i[n][2],i[o][1],i[o][2],d)end function o(n)local n=split(n,"|")for o in pairs(n)do n[o]=split(n[o])end return n end a=o"1,2,4,0.7|1,3,8,1,2|2,3,8,0.6|2,4,6,0.2|2,5,6,0.2|3,6,8,0.3|3,7,8,0.3|3,9,8,0.3,2|3,8,8,0.3,2|2,7,8,0.1,2|2,6,8,0.1,2|7,6,2,0.5,2|6,8,8,0.25|7,9,8,0.25|4,10,6,0.2|5,11,6,0.2"i=o("64,117|"..64-rnd(3)..","..119-rnd().."|"..64-rnd()..","..122-rnd().."|63,122|63,124|63,123|66,123|63,127|66,127|63,123|66,123")l=o"64,117|64,119|64,123|63,123|66,123|63,126|66,127|63,123|66,123|63,127|66,127|63,123|66,123"r={}t=.01function _update60()for o=1,#i do local n,d,e=i[o],l[o],{0,5}if(n[2]>=127)e={(d[1]-n[1])*.5/t,(d[2]-n[2])*.5/t}
l[o],i[o]=n,{n[1]+n[1]-d[1]+e[1]*t,n[2]+n[2]-d[2]+e[2]*t}end c()if(btnp(❎))for n=1,#i do i[n]={i[n][1]+(rnd(6)-3),i[n][2]-2-rnd(2)}end
cls(5)d="❎ to apply force!"e="🅾️ to toggle gravity: "..(t>0and"on"or"off")?d,4,5,0
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Very neat. Crazy how well it works for so little code. Is the array a randomized position for each joint when moving?
Thanks! There are basically two position arrays for each point, a current position and an old/previous position. The integration uses these when calculating new position each frame.
I initialise them with a few random offsets in one array so that the difference sets off the motion. (If they are the same then there is no motion outside of the force applied, in this case gravity.)
There is also an array of constraints which specifies either exact or minimum distances between points.
Ha, it's probably wrong to be having this much fun throwing a pixel body around! 😈
Reminds me of when Half Life 2 first came out and doing the same with CP guards and exploding barrels 💥
I've always been impressed by such physics demos, but blissfully unaware of how they work - black magic for sure! 😉
Great to see it replicated here in such a clean sandbox.
Thanks for the cool entry 👍
Just based on a little ragdoll implementation I was working on the other day. Thought it might make a nice little demo in the pico1k jam!
It isn’t especially minimized or optimized. I stuck it through shrink-8 to rename some variables and minimize whitespace.