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A jam submission

RagdollView game page

A basic verlet integration ragdoll
Submitted by Troypicol (@troypicol) — 1 day, 5 hours before the deadline
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function f(n)local c,t,a,l,r=unpack(n)local o,d=i[c],i[t]local n={o[1]-d[1],o[2]-d[2]}local f=sqrt(n[1]^2+n[2]^2)local e=(f-a)/f if(r==2and f>=a)return
local f=1-l i[c]={o[1]-n[1]*l*e,o[2]-n[2]*l*e}i[t]={d[1]+n[1]*f*e,d[2]+n[2]*f*e}end function c()for n=1,10do for n=1,#i do i[n]={mid(0,i[n][1],127),mid(0,i[n][2],127)}end for n in all(a)do f(n)end end end function n(n,o,d)line(i[n][1],i[n][2],i[o][1],i[o][2],d)end function o(n)local n=split(n,"|")for o in pairs(n)do n[o]=split(n[o])end return n end a=o"1,2,4,0.7|1,3,8,1,2|2,3,8,0.6|2,4,6,0.2|2,5,6,0.2|3,6,8,0.3|3,7,8,0.3|3,9,8,0.3,2|3,8,8,0.3,2|2,7,8,0.1,2|2,6,8,0.1,2|7,6,2,0.5,2|6,8,8,0.25|7,9,8,0.25|4,10,6,0.2|5,11,6,0.2"i=o("64,117|"..64-rnd(3)..","..119-rnd().."|"..64-rnd()..","..122-rnd().."|63,122|63,124|63,123|66,123|63,127|66,127|63,123|66,123")l=o"64,117|64,119|64,123|63,123|66,123|63,126|66,127|63,123|66,123|63,127|66,127|63,123|66,123"r={}t=.01function _update60()for o=1,#i do local n,d,e=i[o],l[o],{0,5}if(n[2]>=127)e={(d[1]-n[1])*.5/t,(d[2]-n[2])*.5/t}
l[o],i[o]=n,{n[1]+n[1]-d[1]+e[1]*t,n[2]+n[2]-d[2]+e[2]*t}end c()if(btnp(❎))for n=1,#i do i[n]={i[n][1]+(rnd(6)-3),i[n][2]-2-rnd(2)}end
cls(5)d="❎ to apply force!"e="🅾️ to toggle gravity: "..(t>0and"on"or"off")?d,4,5,0

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Ha, it's probably wrong to be having this much fun throwing a pixel body around! 😈
Reminds me of when Half Life 2 first came out and doing the same with CP guards and exploding barrels 💥
I've always been impressed by such physics demos, but blissfully unaware of how they work - black magic for sure! 😉
Great to see it replicated here in such a clean sandbox.
Thanks for the cool entry 👍

Developer (1 edit)

Just based on a little ragdoll implementation I was working on the other day. Thought it might make a nice little demo in the pico1k jam!

It isn’t especially minimized or optimized. I stuck it through shrink-8 to rename some variables and minimize whitespace.