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A jam submission

snap a sasquatchView game page

Submitted by Wild Opus Games — 7 days, 12 hours before the deadline

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
People's Choice#122.4552.455

Ranked from 11 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • This adhered to the one button with no loss or detrimental outcome when stepping away rule, so good job there! The gameplay is interesting, but I'm not sure how my shots change the responses other than if I take a picture of only the trees.
  • Take a photo, and get instant (written English only) social media feedback, in a loop. Lots of potential to expand this into a fuller experience. I like the idea a lot. The experience is a fun couple of minutes. Very little replay value though as is. Would have improved things to make keyboard accessible (e.g. space bar at least). For those unable to read easily, perhaps YouTube / Tik-Tok like feedback would be fun too. More variety in the Sasquatch and scenery would make it more interesting. Perhaps giving the user a choice of location of where to sit.

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Jam Host(+2)

vid review


Hey, really appreciate the feedback video! Was fun to watch, and all great points I'll take into account for an iteration.

I was hoping to find the time to add funny achievements, and like you mentioned, many more popup animals. I took a look at Duck Hunt - gave me some inspiration to add a little excitement to the game.


Jam Host(+1)

Interesting. Don't forget, if you're forcing the user to interact with the voting, by changing the X-Y coordinates of their finger, then it's no longer a proper one button game.

However, it would work with iOS and Android switch scanning, so you're there in some ways. But if you want the nice web-browser version to work too, you may want to consider integrating scan-and-select. Where the options are manually scanned through (with a highlighter of some sort perhaps), and you select the one you want by tapping the screen anywhere (or pressing the SPACE BAR).