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Rednegson rated a game 297 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Lyn¢ McLeod rated a turmite 1 year ago
A browser turmite made in HTML5.
A browser turmite made in HTML5.

pretty cool

A browser game made in HTML5.
f0ntz updated a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
1 new upload:
spockpaperscissors.html Play in browser
A browser game made in HTML5.
rstein rated a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
pushfoo published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A bad demake of the dino runner game. Had technical issues, ran out of time. :( I'll be improving it in the future. Added mobile support for now.
cishetkayfaber published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Only the Good Die Neil Young The year is 197X, and the universe is under threat... a time-traveling shape-shifting, non-binary, and incredibly sexy threat to be precise. Only one man.. Neil Young... can save us all. Instructions: Use the Q...
f0ntz published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock. Controls: A - Rock, S - Paper, D - Scissors, Z - Lizard, X - Spock
Private Butts published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A flawed implementation of lunar lander for the chip-8 platform. It contains a single level, and the ship seems to act pretty squirrely under some circumstances. Use WASD to add thrust to your ship, and the R key resets the game. Thank you...
Tobias V. Langhoff published a turmite 3 years ago
A browser turmite made in HTML5.
This is a collection of cellular automata called "turmites", implemented in Octo for SUPER-CHIP on the HP 48 graphing calculators. A "turmite" (also known as "TurNing machine") is a type of two-dimensional Turing machine. It consists of an...
Chromatophore published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
W S A D move cursor Q R rotate F sweep Right now there's only 6 levels so when the level select thing scrolls, that's the lot.
MrEmerson published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Recently found as part of a long-lost archive of early digital black studies at Saint Augustine's University, this game is an adaptation of the prologue of Ralph Ellison's novel Invisible Man . Move the player left and right as he walks dow...
HailTheFish published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Move the paddle to hit the ball and break bricks, but as you break bricks, more get added. Don't drop the ball, or let the bricks reach your paddle, or it's game over! Desktop: A and D or left and right arrow keys to control the paddle, mak...
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