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Maria Mison published a novena 4 years ago
A downloadable novena.
A novena, for trimming the family tree This is a prayer my grandmother used to do that always intrigued me, since it smelled more pagan than catholic. I adapted it for my own inclinations for how we wish people well. In cultures that are mo...
achillobators published a game 4 years ago
A downloadable game.
A solo RPG about a forest fire, where you allow the old to be burned away to make room for the new. Based off of A Burning Hill , by Mitski.
Travis D. Hill published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
Close Encounters is a 20 minute solitaire game about observing the people around you and answering questions about them. At a half sheet, or even printable at a smaller scale for better portability, Close Encounters only needs a crowded pla...