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Submit Category 2 (Tools/Toys/Unfinished Games) Here! Sticky

A topic by Matt Hughson (NES Dev) created Jun 01, 2024 Views: 55
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Jam HostSubmitted (1 edit)

Are you working on an NES project that doesn't fit the requirements of this game jam? Then you've come to the right thread

For this year's nesdev competition, the "tools and toys" category will not be submitted through the jam submission. Instead, please reply to this thread with a link to the page of your project, and tell us a bit about it!

The reason for this change is that game jams do not allow us to have separate categories within a single game jam.

Here are the details on what can be submitted:

Category 2 (the non-contest): Tools and Toys

IMPORTANT: A big change from previous years is that the Tools/Toys category will not be submitted via the jam submission form. Instead they will be submitted here.

  • Anything Goes - old unreleased stuff, modified existing stuff, whatever. If it runs on the NES/FC feel free to submit it.
  • There will be no cash prizes awarded for this category.
  • Multicarts and possible physical prizes for all entries included on the multicart (at judges discretion)
  • Depending on the configuration of the entry, it may not be possible to include it on the multicart, however, at the judges discretion multicarts and physical prizes will be awarded. For exceptional submissions, extra effort may be done to adapt the game/cartridge hardware to support being included in the multicart.
  • Entrants are not required to consent to multicart inclusion upon submission.
  • Since this category will not be ranked or judged, it will also not be under the strict submission dates and times. If it is submitted before the multicart is released, then it is fair game. Keep in mind, the sooner it is submitted the better chance it will have at making it onto the multicart.
  • Entries in this category will also not be under the restriction of the General Guidelines above, but material you do not have rights to will not be considered for the multicart.