I really like the core mechanic. Its so cool that you can move inside the tomato and get on a controller which shoot bug outside. Though I have a complaint, it is so hard to move inside the tomato. Like it is so frustrating to move inside because you need to hurray too and it's feel like every time you jump you get stuck on some part of the tomato.
There also a bug where you can exit and re-enter the top chair which will reset the attack speed.
The art is absolutely astonishing although there could be more stuff in the background when shooting the bugs. Inside of the tomato look gorgeous, the bug look incredibly scary and the death screen is really cool. I think the death screen time is quite long though.
Music and Sound effects is INCREDIBLE. The music really fits with this kind of creepy bug, where you're not safe and are defending yourself from this hoard of bug. I really like the sound effects of selecting gun it feels so satisfying
The difficulty is also quite hard. I feel like when you play for a while and the bug entering from both side, even though I'm using bug I still do not stand a chance against these bug. Also there isn't a point in the game right now, like no score no timer and no end.
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