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10 entries were submitted between 2024-02-25 20:00:00 and 2024-03-25 19:00:00. 11 ratings were given to 11 entries (100.0%) between 2024-03-25 19:00:00 and 2024-04-04 19:00:00. The average number of ratings per game was 1.1 and the median was 1.

MemoriArtJam Mar2024 by_CactusCelery

by CactusCelery

Ranked 1st in Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts. with 1 rating (Score: 5.000)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts.#15.0005.000
Overall Opinion: This is self-explanatory.#15.0005.000
Creativity: The artist's ability to infuse their unique ideas into the artwork.#15.0005.000

Memori Jam

by AnimalFarmGames

Ranked 1st in Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts. with 1 rating (Score: 5.000)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts.#15.0005.000
Overall Opinion: This is self-explanatory.#63.0003.000
Creativity: The artist's ability to infuse their unique ideas into the artwork.#72.0002.000

Memori Art Jam Entry

by hikariluxart

Ranked 1st in Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts. with 1 rating (Score: 5.000)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts.#15.0005.000
Overall Opinion: This is self-explanatory.#15.0005.000
Creativity: The artist's ability to infuse their unique ideas into the artwork.#43.0003.000

Memori Art Jam Submission

by ZeikJT

Ranked 1st in Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts. with 1 rating (Score: 5.000)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts.#15.0005.000
Overall Opinion: This is self-explanatory.#44.0004.000
Creativity: The artist's ability to infuse their unique ideas into the artwork.#72.0002.000

Memori Art Jam Entry by @fannyslam

by fannyslam

Ranked 5th in Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts. with 1 rating (Score: 4.000)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Creativity: The artist's ability to infuse their unique ideas into the artwork.#43.0003.000
Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts.#54.0004.000
Overall Opinion: This is self-explanatory.#63.0003.000

Memori Art Jam Submission

by pyxus

Ranked 5th in Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts. with 1 rating (Score: 4.000)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Creativity: The artist's ability to infuse their unique ideas into the artwork.#15.0005.000
Overall Opinion: This is self-explanatory.#15.0005.000
Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts.#54.0004.000

Memori Art Jam Entry Submission

by JuhoSprite

Ranked 5th in Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts. with 1 rating (Score: 4.000)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Creativity: The artist's ability to infuse their unique ideas into the artwork.#43.0003.000
Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts.#54.0004.000
Overall Opinion: This is self-explanatory.#63.0003.000

Memori Art Jam Submission

by txpeng

Ranked 5th in Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts. with 1 rating (Score: 4.000)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts.#54.0004.000
Overall Opinion: This is self-explanatory.#63.0003.000
Creativity: The artist's ability to infuse their unique ideas into the artwork.#72.0002.000

Memori Portal

by eliazkwakkel

Ranked 10th in Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts. with 1 rating (Score: 3.000)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Creativity: The artist's ability to infuse their unique ideas into the artwork.#72.0002.000
Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts.#103.0003.000
Overall Opinion: This is self-explanatory.#112.0002.000

Memori Art Jam Submission

by morguedesign

Ranked 11th in Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts. with 1 rating (Score: 1.000)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Creativity: The artist's ability to infuse their unique ideas into the artwork.#34.0004.000
Overall Opinion: This is self-explanatory.#44.0004.000
Relevance: The connection between the artwork and the game's themes or concepts.#111.0001.000