Love the concept! Really would've been cool to see the art in the scenes :D
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UE 5.1.1
Collabviewer Template
Various free assets
In a world where magic is no longer accepted, you have been caught practicing in public and banished to the Two Tone Tower. In the Two Tone Tower, powerful runes designed to confuse and control your abilities are destined to keep you confined for all of eternity. Locked away with another mage you soon realize you don't have the same perspective in the tower. The stark contrast of the environment becomes the secret to working together . As you share your perspective you will learn to navigate the tower, regain your abilities and escape to practice magic again one day.
Ultimately we wanted to do multiplayer and nearly failed. We got started with the collab viewer earlier on and the test worked with at least 2 of us in vr seeing each other and hearing each other. After some changes, at some point we could not join each other again, and the base of the game doesn't work single player as a collaborative puzzle solver. Around 4-5am eastern, we found a problem in the VR_Pawn and re-created that in a stripped down test. We learned a lot, and look forward to expanding on this knowledge together or separately in whatever way we can. Really awesome experience! Thanks for hosting this Hackathon!
Compiled version lighting didn't work correctly for some reason.
Screenshots highlight extra content not in video
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