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Raidoama - Alpha's pageBootcamp Track
Devs finishing their first games
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http://Screw It and Overwhelmed
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Bootcamp Track
Devs finishing their first games
Reference Game
http://Screw It and Overwhelmed
Bootcamp Discord username
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as you stated. this is an alpha build to test some mechanics and visuals. please let me know if you update it so i can give you a better review of the game. very simplistic in its current state and very much like all the others of its genre right now. hope to see some update and something that makes it stick out from the rest of the crowd.
Considering some of the hiccups you hit during the bootcamp and things you had to deal with, I applaud your commitment to continue and submit something. It's not easy.
What I played I enjoyed, and I think that the game's punchiness/juice could be significantly expanded in a future iteration. Looking forward to where you take this next!
Congratulations again on getting this in!
I thought this was stylish in its execution. It's always fun making and playing a classic top-down shmup like this, and it doesn't disappoint in enemy variety and the sprites look smooth and background clouds etc are great. I would love to hear it with sound and see it with some added Juice on the explosions etc.
Great effort in the short time, nice work ;)
I was hesitate to make a Rockman-liked game at first.
(yeah, another Rockman fan lol)
I was really enjoy twin-bee when I was a kid. This is nostalgic.
I enjoyed it, but yeah, I think it would have been a great game with just a bit more polish. Improved pace and more pew pew.
Cool start for your game! Can't wait to see where this goes, since I love Mega Man games, especially the Mega Man X series. :)
Congrats on getting this out, I recall you started quite late, so what you have is accomplished in the short time is good. I really like your sprites, and got some vibes of an old game I used to play on either the nes or mega drive, though I can't remember what it was called (I'll have to go and figure that out now).
I'd echo some of the feedback you've already received, faster bullets, sfx, winning conditions and more variety of encounters etc... Another thing to consider would be power ups.
Hope you get time to work on this some more as it's a great start.
It's a decent start, nicely done! I'm liking the hi-res look of things, the ship sprites and enemy sprites look really cool and I'm enjoying the projectiles and effects too! I play shmups a lot to relax and enjoy the genre, so I'd love to see this do well, so a few suggestions if you wanted to take things to the next level:
- Big swarms of enemies! It gives a cool sense of power to the player when you can blast through ranks of weak enemies, in between fighting the tougher ones, go for almost constant action with hardly any breaks. Putting them in cool shaped formations helps too.
- Higher player bullet speed, fire rate too maybe. Just increasing that a tiny bit makes things feel more immediate.
- Super tight hit boxes. Always good to double check the collisions on a game like this, it's often best for the player ship's hit box to be a little bit smaller than the size of the sprite, you get more "that was a close one" type moments!
Best of luck with your development!
Hi IAO Games,
Thanks for trying the game and your ideas. I agree the pace is slow, and I want to work on that.
It's a promising start. Sound effects and more visual feedback would be nice but I understand it's an early build and those aspects come later.
But I have no idea how this is inspired by Megaman, It feels like a completely different genre and theme.
I recall a game on the Amiga that was similar to this but also had missions/levels to enter from within the topside level. I don't recall what that Amiga was called but I could see this game becoming a modern variation of it.
Hey Jehudson,
Thanks for playing and the feedback.
I agree with the non-clear Megaman X reference. One thing I couldn't finish was some talks at the beginning and ending of the stage. That would clarify all.
Also, the ships and mechs are from a free asset set. My own designs are still on paper.
Nice presentation overall :) Here are my points:
- Pacing felt too slow, there seemed to be too many dead moments where nothing happens, these could be interesting for a boss build up though;
- Every hit I took felt like I should have been able to avoid it, maybe there's an inconsistency between the ship visual and its collision \ hit detection;
- Ship is pushed back to the bottom of the screen, not sure if this is usual behavior for shoot'em ups, this puts less emphasis on backing down to avoid projectiles, which might be part of the overall strategy otherwise;
- There doesn't seem to be any winning condition, I reached 630 points, there were no more enemies and I've spent the last minute going through a yellow plane background without anything happening;
- Scene felt too empty, but that really depends on how may hours you managed to dedicate to this project;
- Liked how some enemies could be hidden under the clouds sometimes;
- I failed to see the relation with megaman outside of the itchio art, making it feel somewhat baity, especially with the page showing seemingly unrelated art without any actual screenshot of the game itself;
- Project description puts emphasis on air and land mechanics but that doesn't translate into anything outside of having different enemies, reading this I'd expect I can maneuver the ship differently based if I'm in the air or on the ground.
Hey Stellar,
Many thanks for trying the game and for your thoughtful feedback. I really appreciated.
I agree with all your points, this game is not the end product I was aiming for the bootcamp. Unfortunately, life got in the way, so this is an Alpha with some Beta aspects. This explains points #4, 5, 7 and 8, from your comment.
I'm glad you like the presentation. That is one area I spent a lot of time at the beginning, and also explains my delays :P
I agree with the Pace, and the collision conditions. I still have learning to do in Unity.
Finally, I will join the next bootcamp in January, where I'll work over these points and many more. Stay Tuned!
Great job, I just wish there was more! It looks really nice. Looking forward to seeing how it develops.