This seems neat! I included it in my Kenney Jam 2019 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)
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Sky Siege's pageComments
As promissed, here is my feedback.
First of all, that is really a creative way of using the assets. You deserved the win.
Now to your gameplay. It is interesting, but it has some flaws:
- First of all, single player. But I think you have already mentioned, that you plan to add some npc ships, which would be nice. Maybe you could make a whole campaign later on were you could upgrade your ship or build it up with different parts. I'm directly thinking about the ships from kingdom hearts :D Btw. love that game series :D
- Next, the controls should be reconsidered, it is very hard to aim and hit something, especially if both players (or more) are moving around. Maybe changing to a mouse aim system (like many top down shooters use it) but with a limited rotation speed. For the controller you could just go for the right analog stick. Just ideas, could be bullshit too :D
- I'm not sure if the time was too short but there is no R attack (as it is described in the description), or am I missing something?
- You should map similar attack so the same buttons. Makes it easier to switch ships ;)
- Your map has a zoom issue when the players get too far from each other or close to the edges.
- Add an invisible wall to avoid flying over the void :D
So, that's it. I think your game has a lot of potential, but also needs some work. No idea if you are going to work on it, but it would be cool ;)
Hey mate,
Thanks so much for taking the time to give such in depth feedback on this game! I really appreciate that :)
Yeah! Actually originally we were thinking of doing something like that, but I realized that by the end of the jam we would probably only have half of a ship creator and no gameplay at all so we opted out of that. Would definitely be a great ideas to pursue it now.
Hey that would work pretty well :) Maybe twin stick for the gun aiming, but keep the movement fairly similar to what it is. Originally we were thinking to make two players supported on one keyboard, which eliminates the mouse as an input, but now I think its better to go with the twinstick mouse approach.
Yes so the thing with the weapons was that we wanted to have weapons be buyable and assignable to slots. Thats why they are mapped like that. But in retrospect I think it would be better to have a primary fire, a secondary fire and a special ability. Each of which can be upgraded via a skill tree (a very simple one! eg Choose: Faster Firerate - Greater movement Speed)
Yes the zoom is very terrible right now and we do need to add boundaries.
Yep! I am actually working on this right now. I have added the base of an AI who currently has steering and basic attacking. A lot to do, but a few things on the backlog are:
- Change to Twin Stick control scheme
-Allow guns to rotate around (clamped by a max angle)
-Add two game modes: First to X kills and Deathmatch
-Set up filling slots with AI vs filling with Players
Thanks again!
I hope you continue to work on your game as well :D
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