I like the idea of the scale gun! Being able to increase and decrease the size of blocks at will was fun. Thought it was a shame that really only the first level gave the player the freedom to really do that.
While initially one would think that the idea of blocks that can only grow and blocks that can only shrink would make sense to provide the player with constraints, in practice I don’t think they worked very well. The blue blocks you would just shoot once and be done with, meanwhile the red blocks would force you to restart the level if you increase their size before moving past them.
The enemy projectiles not directly killing the player but rather simply pushing them was rather interesting. I was thinking it would be cool if there were projectiles whose size were affected by the scale gun, such that they could be grown for use as platforms, or shrunk if they need to fit through a small gap.
The game was pretty good overall, but again I thought that there should’ve been more opportunity for the player to freely increase and decrease the size of platforms like in the first level. I thought doing so, especially when I was on the very platform whose size I was modifying, was very fun.
Ah, I just remembered what the scale gun’s platform size modification was putting me in mind of. Put me in mind of those sponge platforms in the singleplayer campaigns for Splatoon, which is a good thing as those platforms are indeed fun. In Splatoon, also, enemy projectiles will decrease the size of the sponge, which would be an interesting mechanic to implement in your game as well; another way the enemy projectiles could affect the player without directly killing them.
In any case, good job on the game, and great job getting it done in only 48 hours, also!
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