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Looking For a Team!

A topic by Novaic created Jan 22, 2023 Views: 204 Replies: 4
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I am an artist and animator (also working on small music projects) and am looking for a small team <3

(This is my first Jam btw)


Hlo. I am a unity developer and i have experience of abou 3 years in game dev and i mainly do programming and project management stuff. I have a team consisting of game designer ,3d modeller and level designer. If you are interested then my discord id is: Amandead#4626

Submitted (1 edit)

Do you still need a music and sfx guy? I'd be happy to join. 

this is my portfolio here: 

I've added you on discord if you want to talk

Deleted 1 year ago

Hi, I鈥檓 a programmer that make games so far in scratch(just for fun) and python (I鈥檓 learning ok?). You guys are just perfect for me cause I鈥檓 bad at art and audio and music:)

Deleted 1 year ago

here my discord: Lightning Boy#8119