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GameMaker programmer looking for a team

A topic by RegularCharacter07 created Aug 24, 2023 Views: 143 Replies: 3
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Hi everyone, I'm a somewhat experienced GameMaker programmer, maybe I'm not very experienced but I'm willing to learn more every day (I actually joined this game jam to learn more), I also do pixel art but I don't know much about it.

I'm looking for a team, some things about me are:

-I'm not a very good leader but I'm good at taking orders.

-I'm a student so I have to divide my time between the game jam and my studies.

-I speak Spanish but I understand English well (I'm from Costa Rica).

-I have already participated in some game jams like jame gam #29 and #31, here are the games I made for them:

Well that would be all I have to offer, DM me on discord if you want me to join your team.

Discord: regularcharacter

Thanks and bye.


Hey there! Are you still looking for a team?

I'm a GML Coder who's looking for a team if you still are.

Hey. Im also somewhat experienced at making games and especially game engines! I've coded quite some engines for 2d game before, if thats the style you are mainly focusing on. Just reply if you or someone else is interested submitting a game to this jam with a new custom game engine specifically made for the game itself.