That's a lot to admire, it's a great use of the Gameboy's chiptune with voice capture of often impressive quality.
Here are some comments about each song:
Dinosaur; It was a strange choice as the first one, as the beginning is a little sharp, but that soon passes, so it's not a problem. There were some problems with voice capture, at the end of some sections the voice simply stopped without rhythm. All in all, it's an ok song.
Bold New Sound; My favorite, the composition looks like something that would be in Last Ninja for example. The voice capture is impressive here, and the use of effects is admirable.
Good Old Day; The composition catches the happy rhythm very well, but the performance sometimes gave a sad rhythm at the beginning, but soon after it seems to become more lively. I liked.
Shrnsalis; It's a very energetic song and would easily be my favorite, but the audio capture quality is unstable (this depends on the emulator used). Unfortunately, this gets in the way a lot, mainly because I thought the performance was very good.
FINAL NOTE: I really liked it, so I hope it's on YouTube, I'd love to hear it in a more relaxed way.
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