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Programmer Looking for Team Members

A topic by AlasdairHaig created May 21, 2021 Views: 162 Replies: 4
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I will be taking part in the game jam and this will be my first game jam, though I've made programs and games before. I'll be using Unreal Engine and my goal is to gain experience and learn from all this.



I have experience with the Unreal Engine, but I know very little about coding.  I'm actually 46 percent done with an unreal course provided by GameDev lol.  I'm interested in being a team member, but my experiences go up to me being able to code a word game.  I also have the same goals as you and I'm very interested in growing my experiences.   I'm willing to be a team member if you accept me to be one.  Please let me know if you do.

Thank you.

Thanks for your interest. I'm pretty open for anyone to join, so feel free. Regardless how much each person contributes, I think it important to get an overview of the process of making an entire game. I'm presently solidifying a concept for the game. I can invite you to our discord.

Yes that would be nice