This project is so top secret, I didn’t even know what to expect! Waiting inside are six new enemies to drop into your FIST campaign, presented in a clever slideshow format.
Enemy statistics are sprinkled across the flavor text, which helps give context and insight into the design decisions. For instance, Ratmen “forgo armor and are sickly in appearance(0 Armor 3hp)”, and the Tin Man, a homage to Bioshock’s Big Daddy, has a “modified diving suit (3 armor) but seem to be sturdy even without it (8hp)”. It’s neat! But I’d also love to see those stats combined at the bottom, as a simple statblock for easy reference.
The writing could maybe use a second pass, and I say that as someone whose writing could usually use a second pass. There are typos and a few rough lines, but the important thing is, there’s nothing to keep the enemies from being useful.
Finally, there are notes on how to roleplay enemy tactics (lizard people attack targets even if they’re not the most effective, etc.) something I always appreciate in a Bestiary.
In my personal headcanon, every game of FIST should begin with a proper 80s movie Mission Briefing scene, complete with intel slides flickering across a wall display. If that sounds like something you’d like to try, “TOP SECRET F.I.S.T EYES ONLY” has you covered.
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