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A downloadable game for Windows.
Try to get to the chest at the end of the level without losing all your lives. When you succed, you get a reward that makes life easier for you... But you also get a curse which makes it harder. All previous rewards and curses remain each t...
Erk published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Can you survive? How modified can you get? This game was made during a 48-hour Game Jam. Controls Movement: w,a,s,d Aim/Shoot: mouse Jump: space Purchase: e
KingOscarV published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Made this in a bit more than a day for game jam in our class. Really short game, with some tecnical issues I didn't have time to fix, but I hope you might enjoy it anyway :) The game is completely based on mouse input, you click on the modi...