Hi, I'm Lehan, a game designer. Yesterday I discovered the existence of Devtober. So I'll post my progress from now on. I hope this is within the rules, I'll be directly linking each day to a different DevLog done on the game's page. On the last day, I'll do a DevLog which will be more of a Review of my experience of the challenge, rather than a postmortem, since I intend to finish this game; I'll also add a build to show my progress with the Review
Day1: Unaware of Devtober
Day2: Unaware of Devtober
Day3: Unaware of Devtober
Day4: Unaware of Devtober
Day5: Unaware of Devtober
Day6: https://81scales.itch.io/dan-bi/devlog/301337/devtober-6th1st