This game is quite crusty, but admittedly, some of the mechanics (the viruses in particular due to the one hit deaths and incredibly fast speeds, particularly when combined with the game's rather janky mechanics) feel like they actively get in the way of enjoying the various visual gags that are probably on paper the highlight of the game. Also wasn't admittedly the most fond of the inclusion of a jumpscare, even if it was humorous in intent and execution, given the choice of sound was still, well, rather shrill sounding and, frankly, not very crusty either.
A lot of this would admittedly also be less of a problem if not for how fast you have to mash jump to fly fast enough to avoid the viruses. Ultimately, I kind of had to give up on the game in the interest of being able to play other games in the jam. Like... I know I can probably finish the game at this point probably, but to do so would potentially require basically destroying my hand, and after that, I wouldn't really be able to play anything else, so... alas.
Short version: Game was off to a pretty good start, got way too hard for its own good in a way that makes it get physically painful to play and makes it hard to actually enjoy the best aspects of it.
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