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Inter-Siberian Gamedev Team

A topic by Shushurikhin created Feb 11, 2022 Views: 386 Replies: 6
Viewing posts 1 to 4

Heya, developers! Let me introduce myself! I am Nikita - young (or not, ha-ha) game designer and member of Inter-Siberian Gamedev Team. Its a small team from Siberian (Russia). We want to create super-puper-mega intresting game! It’s a be a small game, yeap. But is a Russian-soul game! But this game is saturated with the Russian spirit! (insert here meme about Putin, Vodka and Balalaika, he-he…). I hope theme be a intresting and we can create a game.

O-o-okay! Let’s discuss what our game is about.

You are an old Russian grandfather living in the wilderness. You are drinking vodka. What for? To forget. What? Demons. You can not sleep. Demons. They are before your eyes. And only you can protect your home and village from them. Take PPSh from the wall and go kill demons. And then drink vodka to forget. Although, wait. What happens if you don’t drink vodka?

And finally, today we will show what we did in a couple of hours of not very productive work, huh.

Привет! Вам случайно не нужен нарративщик? Вижу, что история уже собирается, я могу подумать, как её сделать максимально емкой и цельной. С движками я только начал учиться, поэтому бесполезен в этом плане.

Привет. Пока работаем только над аркадой. Делать сюжет и историю не планировали, но если нам понравится прототип с аркадой то можем запилить потом с нарративом что-то :)

Хотя всё таки если ты умеешь делать такую штуку, как повествование через окружение, то возможно ты нам очень поможешь и с этим прототипом)

Буду рад поучаствовать)

(1 edit)

New Devlog! Today our wonderful programmer Alina (she doesn’t know that I’ll list her here, she’s just my colleague) made a camera. I had to set it up, but have not yet reached my hands. The primary settings are set, but so far there is no direct bomb. In short, we’ve added a camera that (we think) will be pretty handy in a top down shooter.