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Chrono Girl (Brackeys Jam 2020.2)

A topic by ArkarPhyo created Aug 08, 2020 Views: 103
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Submitted (2 edits)

Hi! I've made a game with my team for this game jam. We haven't polished our game very smooth but we welcome you to test our game and give us suggestions. :D

Game Name : Chrono Girl

Game Link :

Game Description

You play as a scientist girl who is trapped in a laboratory full of hostile robots. All you have to defend yourself is a time-rewinding device which can be used to rewind everything to their past a few seconds ago. You have to rewind the robots and incoming bullets to make them collide each other. 

We are currently in alpha stage and still have a lot of issues to fix. But we'll keep developing it! We would love to get suggessions from you.

Thanks for downloading and testing our game! We'll test your games too!