Since you asked for feedback...
Good intro menu. I liked the moving planet. Invited me into the aesthetic and game-feel right away.
UI, Narrative, Goals:
You have two dialog boxes, but neither one has help text.
Since you took the time to include a story, it should mention how the Slurps managed to move the planet. (giant machine? magic? what?)
Am I a slurp, a third party, or a renegade xhirt?
I like the telltale signs that an enemy is about to shoot, but it needs some audio as well.
Need more payoff (audio) when you crash into an enemy.
It looks like you're using linear interpolation to slow the planet down as it gets closer to the mouse, but when I'm at the borders of the screen I don't want to slow down, so it feels like the planet isn't doing what I want. Not sure if that's intentional or not.
Good bgmusic. Good visuals. Just needs sound effects, more payoff (aka game-feel, aka juice). I like the narrative, but it seems like it could be fleshed out a bit. (Something I'm terrible at myself.)
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