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ngarlatti published a game 8 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Inspirational tweet: The bone trader opens his cloak, revealing himself to be nothing but an off-white skeleton beneath. "Anything I have in stock, one for one."
DWalkerM published a game 8 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Aram jam: A handful of manhole covers is all that separates this city from the void that birthed it. ~ Uel Aramchek Tarot jam : In this game, you are given a tarot card before each level that you will need to use if you want the level to ma...
zealen_2 published a game 8 years ago
A downloadable game.
We convinced ourselves that the sun wasn't getting darker; that is, until we heard the wolves howling during daylight. They'd noticed, too. - Uel Aramchek Submitted for the Manifold Game Jam.
prdnr published a comic 8 years ago
A downloadable comic.
"Film is just one of dimensional splattering's many subgenres."