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Team Mates / Contributors don't have the "Submitted" Tag

A topic by Pale created Apr 12, 2019 Views: 249 Replies: 3
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Hi, i'm wondering my friend is able to get the "Submitted" badge on his name for the jam, as he has done alot of work on it to and without the tag it kinda seem like he is a member of the jam, but didn't submit anything. Is there a way to manually change it or be assigned the tag as i want to make sure he is credited for his work.

Thank You.

Submitted (2 edits)

Go to "Admins" tab and add your teammate:

After he accepts invitation, pick the contributor box and he will receive a "developer" badge:

He will also be able to display the game on his profile, after unchecking the "hide" option (at profile template options).


I've already done that, what i mean as in the game jam page he doesn't have the "Submitted"  tag, like i do, i know its only a small issue but i just wish for him credited appropriately.


I agree, but this is a question of the system.

It might be a good idea send this request to the site's support =]