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Gameplay Instructions
VR ONLY, with hand controllers
Echo Actions was built using a 1st Gen HTC Vive, using the Index controllers. It should work for all other VR headsets, but this could not be tested.
The only control you need is the trigger on the hand controllers. This is used to grab the blocks. All other interactions come you touching buttons with your virtual hand.
To solve the puzzles you will need to record a set of actions. Press the Record button on the console to start, you will have limited time to complete the recording. During the recording, you will not be able to use the Record, Raise, Lower or Clear Blocks button. There are also buttons that work only during recording.
If blocks are piling up and causing trouble with your recordings, then use the Clear Blocks button to clean up all the blocks in the level.
In one of the levels, you will need to jump between two locations. Use the Teleport button to jump between the different locations.
You are able to adjust the camera height with the Raise and Lower button on the console. This is useful if you want to play the game sitting.
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
The only assets that were created before the jam were the source audio files. These were sourced from, modified then implemented in the game during the game jam time-frame.
A full list of the source files can be found in the file AudioUsed.txt in the zip file. This also states the license agreements for the source files.
Link to Gameplay Footage
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