This game is sick. Made just by 2 people!
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Warriors and Tactics (Prototype)'s pageTeam Name
Gameplay Instructions
The game requires two players. One should select the host option in the menu and the other one should select the join option and then type the other player's IP into the box.
The camera can be rotated using arrow keys. Use mouse for doing everything else. There's a help button in the bottom right corner that when clicked will show a screen with game rules and some skills explanations.
The goal is to kill all enemy units (or throw them off the map).
Make every action point count!
Link to Gameplay Footage
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
Grass meshes from Environment Set by NatureManufacture
Animations from Mixamo
All sounds downloaded from Soundly
Music from Machinima Sound
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