The art, the music, THE COMBINATION OF THE TWO!
it is all epic.
But alas, without a 2nd player or AI, I can't tell how the gameplay is...
Team Name
TwoV Games
Gameplay Instructions
Gameplay Instructions
Game is done to be played with 2 players, but can be played by one too.
Direct to tile with w/a/s/d to dig the tile - it takes 2 seconds to dig any tile.
Player 1 controls:
space: jump
mouse 1/E - pick/throw
w/a/s/d - movement
Mouse Y axis is controlling aim to pick and throw objects.
Player 2 controls:
Right low button - jump
Right left button - pick/throw
Left stick - movement and aiming
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
Everything was done from scratch, based on 2dsidescroller ue4 project, robo progress bar.
Audio though was not done by the team.
Link to Gameplay Footage
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