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A Paragon System game about diving from orbit and killing aliens for freedom
Be a teenager with godly powers, saving the world and playing camping games in the meantime!
1960s oceanographic adventure playset for the AGON rpg
D&D 5e-flavoured playset for John Harper's PARAGON system.
Bounty uses the PARAGON SYSTEM, found in the AGON roleplaying game. Refer to for more information.
A Paragon playset about magic and growing up.
A hack of John Harper’s PARAGON system.
Global Direct Action Ecojustice
A city pop, Yakuza-inpired Paragon Playset where disco dancing is just as important as street brawling
Sea Kings: A Paragon Playset
An Paragon playset inspired by Hip Hop and dystopian YA pulp fiction.
A Paragon playset inspired by Ready Player One
Investigate a series of strange cults and the dark pantheon of Signal entities they worship
An strange, arcane pilgrimage in the Paragon System
Piratey playset for the Paragon System (AGON)
An optimistic science fiction playset for the PARAGON system.
Military fantasy playset for the AGON rpg
OSR dungeon-crawler for the AGON rpg
A Space Combat Playset for the AGON rpg
Heroic action in the mythic age
A sci-fi intrigue playset for the AGON rpg