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Dev Log #4 - Post-Production

As we end the project with post-production. I was working on the tilemap of the game to change what we had before since it was just an asset pack we were still using. I matched the style of the theme we were going for since we shifted it from being a stealth/action game to more of a horror feeling.  It goes really well with the sound design and adds more of a feeling of helplessness when playing the game.

I'm proud of what we created and proud of the team that I worked with. We all worked well with each other without any type of hiccups or barriers. I have developed a new skill and I want to pursue more art related projects in the future or as something on my own time. I still have much to learn and will over the summer. As of right now, the team and I have one more thing to do which is the post-morterm and we can finish the project.

Good job team! and it was a pleasure working with you all! (If you're reading this)

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Hey Michael, it was really good to see your games at the showcase. Although the video sharing framerate was a bit low, I was able to get a sense of the pressure and horror from the art style, effects, and audio. Overall, well done. I wish you continued efforts and success in your future projects.

Interesting that you shifted the main style fairly late into development. Curious as to how that decision affected the design and art. It's fun that you were inspired to pursue art on your own time as a result of this project.

Its crazy what a change in art can do to shift the perspective of an entire game. I loved seeing your team's game in action, the tileset looked very cohesive and if you guys ever release it, please send me a link! Goodluck on your future art-focused games, I hope that you continue to hone the skill and can't wait to see what you come up with. 

I'm glad to hear that you were able to come out of the project with new skills and a shift in your focus, I'm sure that'll be useful moving forward into capstone! It's important to personally reflect on your own contributions in a larger group project like this one to really see what you were able to contribute and how you've changed from the start of the project to now and it seems like you've done that!

Hi Mikey! It's great that this project has motivated you to pursue more experience in your discipline. I'm in a similar boat, so I'm hoping we can both continue to learn lots over the summer!  Also, being able to customize your game to a specific feel or aesthetic you're aiming for can really sell a game, so that's awesome that it worked out. Great work!