Hello :)
I've worked a little bit on my idea for a bullet-hell platformer, and I can safely say that it won't be made. GDevelop is so limiting in what it can and can't do, the biggest problem by far is the inability to attach behaviours and code segments that function on an instance by instance basis. What do I mean by this? Well basically here's what happened to me: I tried to make a turret that could shoot in three directions, up, left, and right. I managed to get it working, but I had to make a different type of bullet for left, right, and up because you can't set object rotations directly (why?), and after that I realised that I had an issue on my hands, how do I delete the bullets after some time has passed? The answer is I don't know and don't care. After that I had another issue, all the turrets shot their bullets from one turret. Basically, since their timers are in sync and GDevelop doesn't work on a turret by turret basis, when they all shoot, they all shoot from the "base instance", or the first turret in the hierarchy. The only solution I've found for this is to offset the timers, which to be fair needs to happen anyway, but it's very annoying to be forced into that solution.
I've already given up on that project just due to how hard that is to do in GDevelop, the workflow is insane in that engine, I have to build the Sydney Harbour bridge to cross a puddle. Anyway design time, what about the moment to moment gameplay? I don't know what to say other than the fact that I had a bit of fun playing it, even though nothing worked, bullets flew through walls, didn't hurt, and the player feels static. The gameplay for the most part just consists of a mix of reflex and strategy, you have to figure out the pattern that all the turrets fire in, plan your route (strategy), and then you have to actually get through without getting hit (reflex).
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For week 4: https://itch.io/blog/703901/designing-a-platformer-in-gdevelop