As it sounds quite harsh and even untrue since how harmful for your health smoking can be better than playing games. This is based on my personal experience as I was addicted to games and now I'm addicted to smoking.
To begin with, both addictions are being used for escaping reality, in my case rather for escaping unnecessary thoughts that burst into my head if I don't play or smoke for a while. Obviously, at one time moment, smoking is much more harmful to the body than gaming is. But in comparison to each other, they might seem a bit different.
On one hand, during gaming sessions, I become unavailable to those around me. I experience both stress and relief with a 30-second delay, and interruptions can lead to increased stress. Over an extended period, this could potentially strain relationships and lead to spending an excessive amount of time gaming, possibly resulting in weight gain.
On the other hand, smoking takes 1-8 times a day, each 5-6 minutes. I can smoke with people around me, it reduces hunger( not the best diet idea, though), I only get my stress relieved and I can stress if I don't smoke for a while. In the long time run, my health can get worse faster than intended.
I prefer smoking to games because I can keep living real life and get my abundant thoughts fixed. While the reasoning behind it is rather personal and everyone has their priorities in life, it is obvious enough that both activities are not the perfect solution to one's problems.
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