Hello people of the internet :)
Been hard at work making things.
Recently as a part of a challenge I have undertaken I have made an rts. I've been told supreme commander is a good game to reference when talking about it. I got to a point this week that has put me in an interesting position. The game has most of the player features required for them to make and interact with buildings, move their units through the map efficiently and allow their units to interact with buildings.
After this point in the development cycle all I will be doing is making an ai opponent, implementing my challenge component (adding some sort of rng to some actions performed by the units) and implementing sprites, music and sounds into the game. I am sure this will go well with a few weeks left in the challenge (I don't know when it'll actually be done but I'll try to put it together and put it up on the 20th).
To be honest the process of building this has been thrilling. I've had all of the pieces for a game like this in my head for a while but never took the time to put it together. I'm glad to announce that this game as well as the other games that I have posted and have yet to post will be getting updates after this challenge and the challenge will be getting a "making of" video after I get the chance to edit it lol (Lots of video to edit yo).
In other news I'm going to be taking a few breaks this month for holiday reasons. So I won't be strictly posting devlogs, I'll be playing some games as well.
Hope everyone has a great week!
P.S. Been playing a bit of mario wonder here and there and it rocks.
P.S.S. Just got into a game called Hexel made by punkcake and it is very fun.
P.S.S.S. Still playing dark souls 1 just slower (Just beat Sief and two large demons in the lava area)
P.S.S.S.S. Started playing both Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 and have been enjoying those.
P.S.S.S.S.S. I am playing too many games >.<
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