Howdy people of the internet!
It week number two (almost three) of the the year and I have been busy. Making sure I keep up with my day job I have been rather busy over the last week.
In other news though I have still been working on the RTS project I started a few weeks back. There's one major feature before the addition of sprites and major game mechanics. Look out for that coming to fruition over the next few weeks.
In other other news I have recently entered into the pirate software game jam. The theme is it's spreading so like usual I have subverted even my expectations and am planning out a game with my buddy about humans invading a society of slimes. Kind of backwards but it's going to be fun! This will be the first in a line of games that will be a part of my project to remove projects from my plate. More on that in the future.
In any case I'm keeping busy and it's looking like a crazy few months till I can figure things out.
If you read this far have a good week.
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