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Penny Redesign

Hey everyone I hope you're having a good day and enjoying the newest 1.5B update.
I have some news regarding the side character Penny. Her design was slightly problematic so the artists and I decided to do a redesign, and to be honest I like this change a lot, it still has everything that makes her a "gamer girl" and still fits her personality. Sorry for those who liked her original sprite but I think you'll like her new style and future content to come in Ch2.0, and everyone else's too!

That's it for now, as always thanks for the continued support.

Here she is next to MC and Olivia

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the strong character in small frame was what i had for her F


Hm...This design is indeed better as the original was a bit too bland, but is there a reason for her to be shorter? She looked like a tall woman and it is nice to have variety so to say.


I got confused too, but the tall woman, Olivia, isn't the one being changed. Her short rival Penny that you meet in Week 2 is. I assume because her old design was just a bit too childish.


Oh? I wasn't aware. Haven't played it in a while and back then Chapter 2 wasn't there yet...this makes me curious though. What was that gals original design? Devs, can you give a side to side with the original design?

Also, thanks centlaure for explaining it to me. =3


What do you mean by problematic? 


Just to be clear, The redesign is for PENNY!

Sorry about any confusion but Olivia is in the picture just for a height reference.


I need to learn to read better. In that case, I unambiguously love the change, kudos to the artist (and you ofc).


Wow, I actually really like this redesign. Her old outfit was a lot more generic and boring.
I kinda wish you kept her taller though.  




Ok I 100% prefer the new design!


I like the face more of the dere vibe, so is she not going in the full "cute e girl" vibe

