HARVAXUM'S HELPFUL EDITION is here! So... what the heck... is it...?
Harvaxum's Helpful Edition is the attempt of an otherworldly entity who sometimes DM's games for Knucklepunk to make Dungeons & Flaggins "more interesting" and "give it more flavor." According to Harvaxum, most of the Dungeons & Flaggins classes have been "like chewing on a wet paper bag," and he thought it could use "more creole salt." [We resent it, but he is honestly too nice of a guy not to believe].
Included within the Harvaxum's Helpful Edition are nine new classes to play and a series of DM aids - particularly related to quickly creating enemies and their stats, as well as instructions for creating interesting locations to explore. It is brief, a simple tri-fold, and overall has a lot of good flavors. Worth a download even if just for the new classes. Harvaxum's Helpful Edition is just that, "helpful," to players and new DM's trying to suck friends into a table-top board game experience.
We hope you enjoy! I know my wife has particularly enjoyed playing Harvaxum's "Bloodhunter" class...
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