In the first week of this month I was working on enough features that I forgot about the blog for a little bit. I had laid out the groundwork for the ghost, I experimented with the rat, and I refactored some code and prefabs to improve the restaurant level. The ghost code is a fluid feature that I am still trying to build on. I took over authority of the restaurant manager so that the ghost would have access to the objects required so that the ghost could interact with the objects in the level. The experimenting with the rats sadly did not go anywhere as the only thing I made was a temp object that wildly teleported around an area. As for the restaurant I made sure the doors could be used by the player, that all the doors were based off the same prefab/script, and I added the doors from the level to a list in the manager so that later on the ghost could play with the doors.
The rat stuff was my biggest problem since I spent time doing something that ultimately was pointless which is always frustrating. We as a group are finding more and more communication problems that I feel are slowing us down as well. I'm also finding that these blogs are becoming a bit of an issue in their own right. I don't know how to articulate the problems I had last week as my mind is currently focused on the tasks I have before me today. The features I'm trying to implement are all in progress and I'd mostly like to be working on having the ghost be able to dynamically choose what action to take and the like right now instead of spilling my thoughts into a text box.
In order to solve my issues, I need to simultaneously focus on a feature that I should finish before moving onto a different job and also be more active in ensuring my group has the more basic things like doors and managers functioning as expected. A solve for my issue with the blogs is that right here I will request that any instructor or producer reading this post should say to me in person they are actually reading these posts as otherwise I will be able to freely operate under the assumption that these blogs are not read.
Thank you and have a nice day. I am currently operating on five hours of sleep and a "summer" flavor red bull, whatever that means.
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