Dev Log: 4/27/2023 - Thwip Progress: Chi Hang So, Network Lead
This week, there was a problem that affected all of us as a team. This problem was the repository, our perforce. Our team's artist updated our map with loaded textures and sent it to our repository. We were unable to see the changes done to the map present, even with the added textures. We then tried to talk things over Discord and had meetings to solve this, which reduced our workload significantly.
One of the key steps to solve this problem was just to reintegrate the files and have the artist in our repository. Originally he wasn't in our repository because we are not in the same degree so he didn't have access to it. Once we added him to our repository, he integrated the already posted map and now we have a working map with textures. When it comes to networking we are working smoothly to get over the line with testing soon. That's all for this week's blog post!
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