Author: JR
Date: 7/20/23
After all this time, we finally reached the end. We had a lot of issues heading into this project and still a lot of issues still persist. One of my greatest set back that I experienced near the end was the Aim Offset animation and Uppder Body Slot animation not properly showing in the build. I had researched and implemented different fixes to it, but none of them worked. I didn't have anyone that was nearby that could have helped me debug the issue as the people around were not taught anything about animations. It had a bad time debugging and implementing new solutions to the problem but to no avail.
Although I wasn't able to fix all the issue regarding animations, I was atleast able to fix one of the major problems I had. I was able to properly implement the Aim Offset animation to the character and had it visible to the other player in the server. It had successfully replicated over to where both players in the game can be seen aiming up and down, but I still couldn't find a way to fix the Upper Body Slot animations to work.
Although this is the end, this is certainly not the end for me in terms of being involve of this game. I will be taking a break until I have a better grasp of the situation and more experience.
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