Author: Andrew Frateschi
This week I worked on VR interactions and world space user interfaces. On the interaction side of things I was able to get raycast teleportation locomotion, raycast grabbing/picking up objects and doors working and started working on dynamic grab interactions. The door interactions had a lot of issues I had to work out, between weird interactions between XR Grab Interactable and Hinge Joint components, the Hinge Joint limits having unexpected behavior and the door colliders hitting the walls this was surprisingly problematic for such a simple concept. Through a series of trial and error I was able to find the right combination of settings to make it work, though I'd still like to improve it later on.
On the UI side of things I was initially working on a trying to set it up so that the menu would be attached to the players "palm", but it wasn't working out very well, I think I would have had to set up some code to make the menu only be visible and active while the "palm" of the controller was facing the player's camera using Dot products or something, but then my VR computer auto updated and I lost all that work anyway. So I decided to just put a general UI on the wall for now and I'll work on getting everything working for that, then I'm planning to attach the UI to a world-space object, like a clipboard, a menu, or a book, that the player will carry around on their "hip" or something like that. For the time and day I'm planning to add a wrist watch onto the players "arm" that will show the player which day of the week it is and what time it is so that the player will know how much time is left on their current shift.
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