Just a quick update on DUNGEONS & FLAGGINS resources - I hope people are enjoying the core rules. There is further content coming, specifically about playing at higher levels - as well as playing for a longer time. The main purpose of the core Dungeons & Flaggins rule set is just what it says - mostly one-offs, targeting board game nights with friends, with the clear option for playing longer if people desire to do so. Soon, there will be expansion work that will allow for way more variety from the jump [like other classes that deviate from the standard four]; ways to improve a character over time; and more instructive help for Dungeon Masters.
In the immediate, an aid for more in-depth character creation and development over longer sessions, as well as creative options is in the pipeline. Playtests are occurring and going really well so far. Hopefully there will be a substantial expansiom fairly soon.
Again, I hope people are playing and enjoying Flaggins so far - let me know how your sessions are going if you have given it a shot!
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